Saturday, 23 November 2013

Nifty Chrome Extensions

Nifty Chrome Extensions

With Chrome being the most popular web browser nowadays, it's only right that its extensions get showcased as well. Just like apps, there is an extension for just about everything in Chrome. Some are super nifty and make things totally convenient while others just leave us scratching our heads and wondering "Why???" I mean there should be a line drawn when it comes to how much an app or in this case, an extension is needed. For example, the "IE Tab" that Chrome extensions offers. I mean really!! How lazy can one be that they can't just simply open the IE browser for two minutes to access whatever it is they needed it for in the first place? Does there really need to be a cluttering extension for it? Another one that has me scratching my head is the "MEGA Button." Ummm last I checked, Chrome already has the "MEGA Button" integrated when you click their little three horizontal lines icon in the upper right corner. Once again, to me it just seems to be nothing but clutter. But that's just my opinion. What does everyone else think? Do you have your own opinion when it comes to useful vs. needless extensions? If so, please share below! 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

What Are You Really Eating When You Choose Fast Food?

What Are You Really Eating When You Choose Fast Food?

Most of us just love to choose the fast food option at times. It's easy, quick and for the most part satisfies our hunger. We even choose to ignore just how bad the food really is for us. But do we know what some of our favorite picks really entail? Maybe we don't know as much as we think and some things shouldn't be ignored. Don't believe me? Just take a look at some of these "disturbing fast food facts." It might make you think twice before choosing the easy route to satisfying your hunger. 

Saturday, 16 November 2013

The Way Of the Future Has Invaded London!



All of a sudden, it's the 23rd Century. The UK's government innovation board has just approved funding to begin implementing an all-in-one train/bus/subway/airline pass in 2014. And yes, the actually named it MultiPass after the thing from the Bruce Willis movie.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Scientist Proves There is Life After Death?


It’s a question pondered by philosophers, scientists and the devout since the dawn of time: is there an afterlife?

While the religious would argue that life on earth is a mere warm up for an eternity spent in heaven or hell, and many scientists would dismiss the concept for lack of proof – one expert claims he has definitive evidence to confirm once and for all that there is indeed life after death.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Blow Your Mind With These Amazing Places Everyone Should Visit!

Blow Your Mind With These Amazing Places Everyone Should Visit!

27 of the most surreal places on Earth that everyone should have the opportunity to visit. Of course I probably won't be one of them, haha. Darn cost of living and travel! But still nice to look at and think about! 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Peach Is Soooooo NOT Innocent!!



Based solely on the fact that Peach is a princess, we can conclude that the Mushroom Kingdom is a monarchy. While that's all well and good, when you take a look at the Mushroom Kingdom as a whole, things start to seem a little bit fishy. 

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Black Friday Dell Ad Leaked!!

Black Friday Dell Ad Leaked!!

Eager to get your Black Friday rolling? Well according to some people and companies, it's never too soon! Dell's ad appears to already be leaked so check out some of these great deals they will be having! 

Monday, 4 November 2013

For All Who Liked the War on Wolves Comes the Mimic Octopus

The Mimic Octopus can impersonate up to 15 marine species, including sea snakes, stingrays, lionfishes, and jellyfishes.

Google Turns Out To Be Not All That To Work For


The perks of being a Google employee are legendary. If you manage to fight your way through the notoriously obtuse interview questions then you’re rewarded with corporate nirvana: a sprawling Promised Land of deconstructed office space and free amenities.

Hard Candy Movie Review


Director: David Slade

Writer: Brian Nelson

Cast: Patrick Wilson, Ellen Page & other characters that weren't given nearly enough screen time for mentioning

Released: June 2005

Sunday, 3 November 2013

If Tim Burton Directed Pokemon

If Tim Burton Directed Pokemon

A little fun, interesting thought (pictures included!) to leave with before I go nighty night.

The Downfalls to Daylight Savings Time


Daylight Saving Time is the greatest continuing fraud ever perpetuated on American people. And this weekend, the effects of this cruel monster will rear its ugly head again. On Sunday morning, Americans across the country will have to set their clocks back one hour, and next week, the sun will begin its ambling lurch to eventually setting at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Annoying Technologies that Have Annoyed Us

Annoying Technologies that Have Annoyed Us

An overview of the technologies covered:

  • Camera Flash

  • Apple TV Remote

  • CD-DVD

  • Electric Stove

  • Flash-crash

  • Hornit-horn

  • JS-Electric-Guitar

  • Leaf-blower

  • On-screen keyboard

  • Wall-worts

  • Wires

Choose What Content You Want to See More Of!

Since I noticed that my post on the war on wolves got a lot more attention than any other post, it made me take a step back and question what content are people looking for. My blog is suppose to be aimed at the tech world which also happens to include what "tech geeks" like as hobbies such as gaming, comics, movies, etc. But the war on wolves was something that I randomly posted out of the blue because it made me disturbed to find stuff like that is happening and should be stopped.

So I'm looking to the actual readers of this blog to see what kind of content they want to see more of. So please let me know in the poll below! :-)

[polldaddy poll=7530741]

Solar Eclipse Viewing

Solar Eclipse Viewing

For those that didn't get to see the solar eclipse or it wasn't in your area this early morning hours, click this link and see the full video below! Science ftw!

John Lennon

John Lennon

The key to life and happiness.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

The cake is a lie!!!! A lie I tell you!

Apparently it is proof of the paranormal. Say whaaaa???

U.S. Falling Behind in More Ways Than One...

U.S. Falling Behind in More Ways Than One...

While the U.S. struggles to maintain its transportation infrastructure, China is planning a massive expansion of highways, rail lines, and airports, according to transportation ministers who painted contrasting portraits Wednesday of their respective countries. 

Only the true Sci-Fi nerds will understand!


Solar Eclipse Locations, Dates & Times 2013


Where to see the eclipse

Continents seeing at least a partial eclipse:

  • Parts of Europe

  • Parts of Asia

  • Africa

  • Parts of North America

  • Parts of South America

  • Pacific

  • Atlantic

  • Indian Ocean

The Great Jack Kerouac

The Great Jack Kerouac

One of the greatest free-thinking writers of all time. It's easy for his words to create visuals for the readers.

Random Fact of the Day: Denmark has what????!!!!!


Are you into random facts as much as I am?? If so, you're part of the cool people! ;-) Check out today's random fact of the day in reference to television! 


The DR Ramasjang launched in 2009 and was a desperate attempt to reign in Danish viewers. Danish children were all but lost in the wonders of Cartoon Network and Disney. The DR caters to Danish humor and irony and is made for children between the ages of 3 through 10. It has become the most popular channel in Denmark among children. 

The channel doesn’t show any commercials, which boosts their ratings among children and parents alike whose don’t have to deal with marking strategies geared for their young ones. The DR Channel’s characters are put to bed at night and are seen sleeping all night. It sounds like an adorable channel, except their use of “irony” would be considered very questionable in the U.S. 

One movie on the channel shows a ten year old girl killing six adults by cutting of their limbs! A spokeswoman for the channel said that times are changing and kids want more than Barbie and Power Rangers. Those shows are now for kids under 5. The TV station has a hard time balancing shows for 3 year olds and 10 year olds. Ideally they want to open another channel and split the age group in half again. 

Justice League: War

Take a look at the first trailer for Justice League: War, which in turn is the first video adaptation of a New 52 story, being loosely based off the first arc of the relaunched Justice League comic by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee.

As announced at New York Comic Con, the movie version trades Shazam in for Aquaman and gives some new costumes to the characters (with significant changes to Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, specifically), rather than taking the story directly to animation. It does, however, still feature lots of fighting against the forces of Darkseid (who also has a new, altered look) and Apokolips.

Microsoft Seeking Help??

Microsoft Seeking Help??

I more like call this just another reason to not upgrade to Windows 8 still. Too many bugs and quirks to work out. And to think Microsoft did an excellent job with WIndows 7. What happened Microsoft??? 

OCD Acting Up?

OCD Acting Up?

Let your OCD take total control by checking out some of these images! We wouldn't blame you if you start going crazy...honestly! 



New Updates Ahead That Will Blow Your Mind!!


Greetings to all the ghosts that follow my blog. New updates are rolling out today to the page. These include making the blog look cluttered in the footer but tough love. Deal! But with this cluttered mess comes awesomeness! We have a link to what I'm currently reading via Goodreads (if you don't have an account there, make one. It will save the lives of many unloved books who feel they have nothing to live for!) and I also have "new" cool music available during those long reads of my blog content! Plenty of fun for I right? Huh? Well even if not, keep your mouth shut. X-D

The Disturbing War on Wolves


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to extend Endangered Species Act protections for an estimated 75 Mexican wolves in the wild in New Mexico and Arizona. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service /January 25, 1998)

By Julie CartOctober 26, 2013, 6:30 p.m.

ALBUQUERQUE — In the small, rural community of Reserve, children waiting for the school bus gather inside wooden and mesh cages provided as protection from wolves. Parents consider the "kid cages" a reasonable precaution.

Defenders of the wolves note there have been no documented wolf attacks in New Mexico or Arizona. Fears of wolves attacking humans, they say, are overblown, and the cages nothing more than a stunt.