Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Bring Back Firefly!

There is a new petition that will soon be floating around the web once more that may or may not have been created by this blogger right here! For those who have watched the Western Sci-Fi gem Firefly, then they know the anguish that is present within us stemmed by the fact it hasn't been on the air in over ten years. Despite that, it has a loyal and strong fan base that only seemed to grow after it was taken off FOX's network. I should know because I am one of those many people who didn't even come across the show till long after it was off the air.

The show itself ran roughly from 2002-03. It had enough time to barely crank out one season before FOX decided that it wasn't generating enough viewers a.k.a. making them enough money to keep it on the air. Firefly didn't get the chance it deserved before having the plug pulled on its operation. Compared to a lot of shows that were given more than one season (Dollhouse, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, etc.) to develop, Firefly was probably one of the shows most deserving that wasn't given a second thought. Now, I'm not saying that these other shows shouldn't have gotten their chance because they did have their own entertainment value but Firefly also had major potential. In fact, in my opinion, it still can have that same potential given another opportunity.

 Some might say that it was given that second chance when the movie Serenity came out in 2005. It was like the band-aid to the wound that was caused by FOX when they decided to pull the plug on Firefly. The creator of the show, Joss Whedon, probably figured that the fan base the show did have, wanted some kind of reparation. They would want to know what the rest of the crew went on to do (or not do or even continue doing)...what became of them? Especially their on-going defiance against the Alliance. As amazingly awesome as the movie was, it still left fans wanting even more. At least that's definitely how I felt and I'm sure I'm not alone. I know I'm not alone because I have done my research and there have been petitions before about bringing back Firefly. People are trying to take their own "drastic" measures to get it back into our lives in a fresh new sense. The petitions I have seen might not have generated the thousands upon thousands of signatures needed to make a statement, but it is a start! And if more people keep trying to get their point across, hopefully even more will follow and it will be an eye opener to a viable network to take on this worthy task.

Bring Back Firefly!

If you agree with bringing the awesomeness known as Firefly back on television, then sign the petition above or any other petition you can find out there that wants to do accomplish the same thing! We won't stop putting our voice out there till we are heard loud and clear or at least till everyone knows how great of a show they are missing. What are your thoughts? Do you think Firefly should be brought back? Express your thoughts below!

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