Tuesday, 8 April 2014

MC Chris and I Fight Dragons

mc chris

When it comes to music, odds are genre preference will vary among geeks/nerds. For other societal cliques, their genre is usually consistent across the board (i.e., jazz and/or classical is listened to by higher class types, pop listeners usually include the younger generation; especially high school girls, hip-hop is favored by jocks, etc.). But for geeks we can listen to anything that fancies our ear. Although, we are probably the only ones that find the "aw"someness of video game music or songs based off movies favored by our community. I mean after all, who else would be able to understand the meaning behind those types of lyrics?

However, there are very few artists out there whose music is centered around the geeknerd (yes I just created that word for this blog) kingdom. Lyrics from the likes of I Fight Dragons and MC Chris are something that we geeknerds can relate to. The only problem is I found out how few of us even know about these incredible artists. So I'm putting them out there now and I'm focusing on MC Chris because he recently just released a new album ( mc chris foreverrr ). This man is a genius with his lyrical rhymes that are inspired by such works like Star Wars, Ghostbusters, video games, and more! So if you don't already know about him or his music, it's time to get educated by giving these a listen:

This first one is an old song from MC Chris's first album and is titled Fette's Vett

This is from his most recent album

Now this is a geeknerd Hip-Hop/Rap artist but if you are someone who simply cannot get into that genre of music, then you might want to try I Fight Dragons. Their style is more pop/rock with chiptune, featuring electronic sounds made using Nintendo Game Boys and Nintendo Entertainment Systems. It's almost like you are listening to music from an actual video game. So go ahead, give them a listen!

From their album DEMOlition

Off of one of their more popular albums KABOOM!

As stated above, these are two artists that focus on the geeknerd community when it comes to the music they produce. There are plenty of people who independently make their own parodies of certain songs and put a nerdy twist on them. It's just a matter of browsing YouTube and seeing what you can find. I have come across plenty over the years. In fact, right here at Collect Geek Generalists, every week we will promote/showcase a song that has some geeky and nerdy kick to it. You can locate these at the bottom of the homepage. Make sure to comment if you have something that everyone else should see or would like to recommend. I won't know unless you tell me!

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