Thursday, 26 December 2013

32 Years of Video Game Logos! (**Nerdgasm Alert!!**)

Ever think about just how much video game logos have evolved over the years? Well this video will take you back through time starting with the Donkey Kong logo of 1981.

Monday, 2 December 2013

26 Alternate Slogans For Companies

26 Alternate Slogans For Companies

These are pretty freaking funny actually. Seriously, take a look through them and you will hear yourself saying "That is hilarious! And sooo spot on!" If you don't find at least a few of these funny, then dear me I hate to say you might need help. ;-) 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

15 powerful insights from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five



There aren’t many writers who witnessed a 20th century apocalypse at first hand. But of those who have Kurt Vonnegut’s response, Slaughterhouse-Five, is arguably the most memorable. It was published in 1969, twenty-four years after Vonnegut, a 23 year-old American prisoner of war, survived the Allied firebombing of Dresden. This massive air attack, which killed 130,000 people and destroyed a city of no military significance was probably the most important thing, besides getting married and having children, which ever happened to him.